Search results for "vidagliptin-metformin"

  • Metformin

    Metformin 500/850/1000mg

    Metformin is an oral antidiabetic medication used to treat type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes. It helps to control blood sugar. Treatment is combined with diet and exercise. This medicine can be used alone or with other medicines for diabetes.
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    $ 0.36
  • Metformin XR

    Metformin 500/1000mg

    Metformin Extended-Release is an oral antidiabetic medication used to treat type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes.
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    $ 0.69
  • Galvumet

    Vidagliptin + Metformin 50mg + 1000/50mg + 500/50mg + 850mg

    Galvumet is a combined medicine that contains two active components 50mg of vildagliptin and 1000mg of metformin. This pharmaceutical is indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycaemic control in patients whose diabetes is not adequately controlled on metformin hydrochloride alone or who are already treated with the combination of vildagliptin and metformin hydrochloride, as separate tablets. Treatment should not be initiated with this fixed-dose combination. Also Galvumet is assigned in combination with a sulfonylurea (i.e. triple combination therapy) as an adjunct to diet and exercise in patients inadequately controlled with metformin and a sulfonylurea. As well, Galvumet is prescribed as add-on to insulin as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycaemic control in patients when stable dose of insulin and metformin alone do not provide adequate glycaemic control.
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    $ 2.40

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