Search results for "nitrofurantoin"

  • Furadantin

    Nitrofurantoin 50/100mg

    Generic Furadantin is used for treating and preventing urinary tract infections caused by certain bacteria.
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    € 0.71
  • Emla

    Lidocaine + Prilocaine 5g

    Emla crème is een lokaal anestheticum (verdovend geneesmiddel) met lidocaïne en prilocaïne. Het werkt via het blokkeren van zenuwsignalen in uw lichaam. Emla crème wordt gebruikt om de normale, intacte huid of de slijmvliezen van de penis of vagina te verdoven. Emla wordt gebruikt om u voor te bereiden op kleine chirurgische ingrepen of medische behandelingen in deze gebieden.
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    € 23.25
  • Ferrogen XT®

    Iron, Folic Acid 100mg + 1.5mg

    Ferrogen XT® tablet contains Iron and Folic Acid (vitamin B9). Folic acid is essential to numerous bodily functions ranging from nucleotide biosynthesis to the remethylation of homocysteine. It is especially important during periods of rapid cell division and growth. Both children and adults require folic acid to produce healthy red blood cells and prevent anemia. Iron transports oxygen throughout the body and maintains red blood cells, thus making an individual feel energetic and preventing anemia. This product is often assigned during pregnancy.
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    € 0.35
  • Noroxin

    Norfloxacin 400mg

    Generic Norfloxacin is an antibiotic in a group of drugs called fluoroquinolones. It is used to treat bacterial infections of genito-urinary tract.
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    € 0.83

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    Heel erg bedankt - Johan

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