Search results for "ivabradine"

  • Procoralan

    Ivabradine 5mg

    Procoralan works by affecting your heart's electrical activity in order to slow the heart rate. Ivabradine is used in certain people with chronic heart failure, to help lower the risk of needing to be hospitalized when symptoms get worse. Ivabradine is not for use if you already have heart failure symptoms that recently got worse before starting this medicine. Ivabradine may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
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    € 1.59
  • Darunavir

    Darunavir 600/800mg

    Darunavir is a prescription HIV-1 (Human Immunodeficiency Virus type-1) medicine used with Norvir (ritonavir) and other antiretroviral medicines to treat HIV-1 infection in adults.
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    € 11.20

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