• Orahelp
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Choline Salicylate, Lignocaine

Analgetica, Anti-inflammatoire, Maagdarmkanaal, Operatie

Orahelp® is an antiseptic oral gel. It is an effective remedy for various types of mouth ulcers. The specific indications for the medication are ulcers in mouth, toothaches, and abrasions in the mouth.

Merk(en): Orahelp

Producent: Mankind

Ziektes: Ulcers In Mouth / Toothaches / Abrasions

Pakket Prijs Per fles Besparingen Bestelling
8.5% + 2% 15g × 5 flessen
€ 55.71 € 11.14 € 129.92 Voeg aan winkelwagen toe
8.5% + 2% 15g × 4 flessen
€ 51.07 € 12.77 € 97.44 Voeg aan winkelwagen toe
8.5% + 2% 15g × 3 flessen
€ 46.42 € 15.47 € 64.96 Voeg aan winkelwagen toe
8.5% + 2% 15g × 2 flessen
€ 41.77 € 20.89 € 32.48 Voeg aan winkelwagen toe
8.5% + 2% 15g × 1 fles
€ 37.13 € 37.13 Voeg aan winkelwagen toe

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What is Orahelp®?

Orahelp® is an antiseptic oral gel. It is an effective remedy for various types of mouth ulcers. The specific indications for the medication are ulcers in mouth, toothaches, and abrasions in the mouth.

Key Ingredients:

  • Benzalkonium chloride 0.01 %
  • Choline Salicylate 8.7 %
  • Lignocaine 2 %

Key Benefits:

  • Helps in relieving pain in the oral cavity
  • Useful in curing mouth ulcers
  • Helps in treating aphthous ulcers
  • Provides relief from toothaches
  • Useful in curing pain associated with teething

Directions for Use

Put one or two drops of the gel on the tip of the index finger and apply gently on the affected area You can also squeeze one or two drops directly on the affected area with the nozzle provided

Safety Information:

  • Do not swallow
  • Store in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight
  • Read the label carefully before use
  • Keep out of the reach of children
  • Use under medical supervision

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